Saturday, November 3, 2007

One Word Description

At a family gathering a few months ago the family played a game and one of the questions asked was to describe Dad with one word. As I recall it was the month of February. The answer was written down on a piece of paper by each child there. After the evening was over I went around cleaning up and gathered all of the papers and discovered the answers to this question. Some of the answers found were kind, loving, handsome, strong, Superdad, talented, caring, funny, fun, and utilitarian. What kind of a word is utilitarian? It made me laugh then and has many times since. I am not sure how many other Dad's would be described with that word. As I have shared that with others that know me, they also laugh and agree that is a good word to describe me.

As we raised our family if something got broken or didn't work any more it was taken in to dad's bathroom and put on the sink counter. It would then reappear mysteriously in a day or two repaired. It is funny how because of that process it became expected that dad could fix anything. Sometimes dad found himself over his head in trying to repair things and some times the aesthetic value was altered but functionality was restored. It hard for me to see something that is broken or not working and not try and fix it. The other night mother and I were looking at another house in the neighborhood and I saw some things that were needing attention and mother commented to the Realtor that they might be stuck there for hours while I was fixing these things.

So I guess if the shoe fits wear it.

Utilitarian Dad


Leslie said...

Yup. That's my Daddy! I have several things in my home that would attest to that trait. I love that about you, Dad!!

Tiffany said...

Hah! I think I was the one who wrote "Utilitarian" on the paper. It really fits. :)

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Gotta a week? Plenty of projects around here you could work on. I guess that's where I get my O.C.D. behavior from, except mine is with popping zits, balancing the checkbook, and other strange catagories. You're great.

Shua said...

If it helps, 9 out of 10 transmissions fail due to heat.